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Salmon tartare, cucumber and Modì apples scented with lime

Finger Food,Main Courses
Father's Day is a perfect opportunity to show him all our love!
Let's win his heart by appealing to his appetite and, instead of the usual box of chocolates or bottle of aftershave lotion, lovingly prepare a dish just for him: a fragrant salmon tartare with cucumber and apple. This simple and easy-to-prepare dish is sure to please every Dad!
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Ingredients for 4 people

Fresh salmon fillet for sushi or sashimi | 300g
Modì apple, peeled and cored | 1
Cucumber, washed and peeled | 1
Lime juice and zest to taste
Fresh fennel, finely chopped | 1-2 tbsp.
Extra virgin olive oil, fleur de sel and pepper for seasoning

To decorate: Sardinian style bread, such as carasau, and Modì apple slices


Cut the salmon fillet, Modì apple and cucumber into small cubes, place everything in a bowl and season with salt, pepper, a little olive oil, lime juice and grated zest to taste, and fennel.
Let sit for a few minutes. Spread the tartare on dishes with the help of a pastry cutter, press down with the back of a spoon, and then gently lift the cutter.

Garnish the tartare with a pinch of lime zest, a few drops of olive oil, a slice of Modì apple and a piece of carasau bread.

Important: "safe" raw fish must be cold processed, meaning that it has been frozen at very low temperatures for a number of hours.
Always ask the shop assistant for information about fish you wish to buy and eat raw, or place the fillet in the freezer for at least 4 days before use.

"Finger Food" version: place the tartare in small bowls for dipping, or spread on bread, crackers or Friselle.