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Modì Apple and Strawberry Smoothie Bowl

Finger Food,Desserts
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Increase your energy in the morning with a colourful “smoothie bowl” thick enough to eat with a spoon: lots of fresh fruit, yogurt and seeds that will allow you to fill up on nutrients without feeling heavy. Smoothies are ideal to satisfy everyone’s tastes thanks to the infinite combinations of fruit. In this spring “bowl,” for example, the fresh taste of strawberries is mixed with the sweetness of Modì apples for a light and delicious pleasure!
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Ingredients for 4 bowls

Bananas | 2
Strawberries | 200g – 250g (7 Oz – 9 Oz)
Peeled, cored and chopped Modì apple | ½
Greek Yogurt, plain | 1 jar (170g) (6 Oz)
Fresh milk, or non-dairy beverage (almond, coconut, etc.) qs
Cane sugar, honey, agave nectar or maple syrup to sweeten (optional)

Sliced Modì apples, bananas and strawberries
Fresh fruit of your choice (blueberries, blackberries, kiwis, raspberries, etc.)
Dried coconut, chia seeds, flaxseeds, etc.


Blend all the ingredients together adding milk until smooth and thick enough to be eaten with a spoon. Sweeten to taste.
Pour the smoothie in bowls and top with sliced apples, strawberries and bananas. Garnish with different types of fruit, coconut flakes and mixed seeds.

You can serve your smoothie in small jars for brunch, or close the jars with lids and take them with you for a sweet and tasty snack during the day.