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Hard bread, chocolate and Modì apple cake

Desserts | Green Recipe
A custom from the past was to recycle hard stale leftover bread and turn it into a sweet pie.
A no waste “poor” but very tempting recipe that lets us rediscover the genuine flavours and simple tastes of the cakes of old. Several varieties are possible: chocolate chip, crumbled amaretto, dried and candied fruit. But you can also use whatever else you may find in your larder that needs to be finished off.
The secret of its success is that it always comes out right, and if you add too much milk by mistake, all you need to do is extend the cooking time!
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Ingredients for for a pie 22cm (9 inches) in diameter

hard farmhouse bread| 250g/9 ounces
fresh lukewarm milk qs (approx. 600-700g/1.3-1.5 pints)
Modì apples, grated coarsely | 2
wholemeal cane sugar | 80g/3 ounces
egg | 1
pieces of dark chocolate | 100g/3.5 ounces
bitter sifted cocoa powder | 2 spoonsfull
a pinch of salt
nuts or other dried fruits, sugar to decorate


Cut the hard bread, place it in a bowl and add the lukewarm milk to soften it: make a “rough guess” on how much milk to add according to how much the bread can absorb.
Add the sugar and let the mixture rest for at least half an hour (though up to 2 hours may be required). When the bread is damp and soft, crumble it with your hands until you obtain a consistent mix. Add the peeled grated apples, the egg, a pinch of salt, the cocoa and the pieces of chocolate. Pour the mixture into a mould covered with baking paper (or, alternatively, one that has been well greased with butter and sprinkled with grated bread), decorate with nut kernels and bake in a pre-heated oven (180°C/356°F) for about 1 hour. Check the progress of the baking with a toothpick (the pie should be dry). Let the pie cool down in the mould before taking it out of the oven. Sprinkle with caster or icing sugar before serving.