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Beef and Modì Apple Mini-Meatballs

Main Courses
Tired of the same old grilled steak? Fancy an easy, original and complete dish? Try adding some apple pulp to your meatballs!
Thanks to the juiciness of Modì apples, the meatballs will come out soft and with a fine sweet taste. Complete the dish with a pinch of smoked salt and a fresh mixed salad with apples slices as a side dish: lunch is served!
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Ingredients for 4 persons (approximately 20 mini-meatballs)

Finely minced beef | 400g (14 ounces)
Breadcrumbs | approximately 20g (0.7 ounces)
Milk | 2-3 tablespoons
Modì apple, peeled, cored and grated | 1
Nutmeg, white pepper q.s.
Smoked apple tree salt (optional)
Frying oil

Side dish: mixed green salad, Modì apple slices, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.


Mix all the ingredients (if you are not using smoked salt, use fleur de sel as an alternative) carefully amalgamating them until you obtain a homogenous mixture. If necessary add more milk or breadcrumbs to obtain the desired consistence.
Form the mini-meatballs and fry them in hot oil for several minutes until they’re golden brown. Dry them on kitchen paper. Spread salad and apple slices in the serving dishes and add the meatballs. Season to taste with oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.