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Apple Mimosa

Finger Food,Occasions,Desserts
Golden mimosa meets Modì red for Women’s Day.

A light fruity dessert to serve in glasses is created: candy apple petals hidden in the folds of a silky milk and cream custard and topped with a sponge cake gold dust. A pastel yellow dessert dedicated to women.
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Ingredients for 6 small glasses

For the candy apple petals:

Modì® apple peeled and cored | 1

Sugar | 3 tablespoons 

Water | 3 tablespoons

For the custard:

Whole milk | 250 ml (8.45 ounces)

Fresh cream | 250 ml (8.45 ounces)

Egg yolks | 3

Brown sugar | 120g (4.23 ounces)

Cornflour (corn starch) | 40g (1.41 ounces)

Lemon peel q.s.

To decorate:
Sponge cake cubes q.s.


Prepare the candy apple petals: Cut the Modì into segments and slice these very thinly.
Mix sugar and water in a non-stick pan, when a clear caramel is formed add the apple slices. Cook for a few minutes until the slices are soft and caramelized. Set aside.

Make the custard: Heat milk and cream with a piece of lemon peel. Whisk the yolk and sugar, add the starch and slowly thin the mixture down with the warm milk. Place the mixture on a stove and let the cream thicken stirring constantly (around two-three minutes from when it boils). Take out the peel and dust the surface of the cream with a touch of refined sugar to avoid a thin layer of film from forming. Leave to cool at room temperature.

Decorate: Distribute the apple petals at the bottom of 6 dessert glasses, cover them with the cream and decorate with crumbs of sponge cake. Refrigerate and serve cool.