An exceptional identikit
Modì® apple is unique and matchless!
Eco-friendly, young, contemporary and informal:  Modì® apple is the first red apple with a hint of yellow and a modern taste that enacts the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, crunchiness and juiciness.
Have you ever enjoyed an apple like that?
An apple that’s outside the box
Giving life to a new apple with a modern taste and different to traditional red apples might have seemed like a difficult goal to achieve. But these challenges are always exciting, above all when they are taken up by courageous and innovative men.
The long and exciting work carried out by researchers at the Ferrara-based nurseries consortium CIV (Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti), the creator and owner of the brand, created Modì® apple, a beautiful red apple with a hint of yellow, a natural fruit that’s a cross between Liberty and Gala varieties.
Eco-friendly by nature
Modì® apple is unique because it grows eco-friendly.
Thanks to the tree’s innate resistance to the main pathogens and integrated production in the field, the need for man’s intervention is minimal, with positive effects on the environment and on the wellbeing of all of us.
*0.028kg/CO2 per kg of product:
a saving of up to 49% compared to other benchmark varieties produced under the same conditions as Modì®.
Modì® apple is the first apple
with a carbon footprint marker
Modì® apple is the first apple with a carbon footprint marker (CFP), measured by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Bolzano. Its carbon monoxide emissions are equal to 0.028 kg of CO2 per kg of Modì® apple produced in a fruit orchard, with a reduction of up to 49% of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere compared to other benchmark varieties under the same conditions as Modì® apple.
Modì® apple loves nature and helps us create a better future.
What is a carbon footprint?
Our actions have a more and more overall environmental impact and global problems, such as climate change, cannot be overlooked. This is why the carbon footprint was created; it is an environmental indicator that measures the impact of human activities on the planet’s climate and expresses the amount of greenhouse gases generated by goods and services. Choosing products based on their carbon footprint is a small gesture that can make a huge difference to the world we live in.
Fewer “footprints” for a healthier planet.
Quality is an attitude
Every single phase of the excellent Modì® apple production chain is controlled - from its origins to the finished product, from the orchard to the table - thanks to the meticulous work of its producers, the technical support in the field and its careful logistics.
Only 65% - 70% of the apples produced in compliance with the guidelines go on to boast the unmistakable Modì® apple sticker, synonymous with a delicious, top-quality apple that is in harmony with the environment.
A name inspired by art
Why “Modì”? This unusual name comes from the world of art, more exactly from Amedeo Modigliani, an artist born in Livorno and affectionately known as Modì to his friends; he was famous for his portraits of women painted using intense red earth colours, just like the Modì® apple red color.
Modì® is the brand name used for marketing the CIVG 198* variety
© Modì Europa S.r.L. | Via B. Bartok, 29/g – 44124 Ferrara, Italy | C.F.- P.IVA 01728980382 - C.C.I.A.A. Ferrara – Iscrizione R.E.A. N° 192644 - Iscrizione Reg.Imprese 01728980382 - Capitale Sociale 975.000 Euro i.v.